Thursday, August 31, 2023

People Fear What They Don't Understand

People Fear What They Don't Understand

The transgender community is under attack, mostly from people on the right. I think It's unfair to say that people on the left don't come out against the LGBT community either. Case in point, California is a left leaning state. The first attempt at passing gay marriage, at a time when Barack Obama was president, failed in California. 

The left isn't always so compassionate towards the LGBT community either. This has been pointed out recently in articles I've seen posted. They talk about Joe Biden's administration being trans friendly to a point but falling short in certain areas. The fact is, trans rights have nothing to do with political parties. It's just the right to be.

There is no doubt that people on the right are scapegoating the trans community. Basically, they're pinning the blame on us for all the ills of society. The fact is, many in the trans community are under employed, under housed and definitely struggling just to get by. That's not even counting the violence committed against us.

When I speak up on our rights, it's just a simple right to be. I don't ask anybody to love the trans community if they don't understand us and are uncomfortable. I say that we may only appear in each other's realities once in a while. Just show the basic respect, because if you're near me, you won't be near me for long before we go our separate ways. Give me a fair chance to prove what I can do, and don't discriminate against me because I'm trans.

Right now, there are so many states fighting to take trans healthcare away from the youth. However, this is cleverly disguised to take trans healthcare from everybody. They don't want you transitioning. They don't care about your comfort in your own body. They want to tell you that you have no right to be yourself.

It's a weird flex, in my opinion. Of all the things that the right could be working on politically, discriminating and basically eradicating the transgender community is a goal of theirs. Why? Did they get it from their Bible? I'm trying to find the passage where God said judge people for Him. 

The Christian God is not a God of hate. However, God and Jesus are used to hate. This turns people off from the message, when the message is God loves us all. God tells us to love Him above all else and love our fellow man. Leave the judging to God when we pass on from this world to whatever's awaiting us in the next one.

I think part of what's going on in this anti-trans movement is people fear what they don't understand. A cisgender male or woman is happy in their body. There's no discomfort about their gender. Maybe about an aspect of the way they look, but not their gender. Some may not like the term cisgender, but it merely means that they're happy in their own body. We do tend to label in society as a way to understand things, but some people take offense to cisgender. Some people need to get over it, because that's what it is.

They are comfortable in their own bodies. They're not doubting their gender identity and they're not doubting who they are sexually attracted to. Gender identity and sexuality are two completely different things. Just because one is trans doesn't automatically dictate who they'd be sexually attracted to. I know some cisgender people are confused by that. The majority in the world are cisgender and heterosexual, but they don't make up the entire population of the world.

You'll get comments like it takes straight couples to populate the world, but the reality is people in the trans community can have children as well. They do it all the time. It's fair to say that some people in the cisgender community don't understand, and that brings fear. They feel like the transgender community is trying to take over the world or something, but many of us are just trying to pay our bills and make sure we have a roof over our heads.

Now, we have people who fear us and don't understand. They are trying to take away our health care rights and basically attempting to eradicate us from existence. How do we fix this? Education. The people far enough on the right are going to be the last ones to come to any sort of agreement, but it's not impossible to reach them. The people in the center who get educated on transgender people are more apt to want to live and let live.

Ultimately, there are many things that threaten this world. We're having a debate on the climate. We're having a debate on economics and people being able to pay the bills with the money they earn from their jobs. Wars are being fought in the world. There are so many things that we should be worried about, but fighting over the right for a transgender person to exist is not one of them. People fear what they don't understand, but through education, that fear goes away.

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