Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Trans Rights Are Human Rights Is More Than A Slogan

Trans Rights Are Human Rights Is More Than A Slogan

I'm working on expanding my social media activities beyond X, and one of the reasons is the rampant hate allowed and even promoted there. This goes beyond the transgender community. The site has gone downhill in many ways since the sale. Others may see that differently, but one thing is indisputable.

Trans rights are human rights. It's a slogan that you'll see at some LGBT events, but it's also the truth highlighted in five words.

On social media, some trans exclusionary and anti-trans groups are coming up with a cute little term, which I won't repeat. It seems that they feel cisgender is a slur, when it's only a term used for people who are happy in the gender they were physically born into.

It's unfortunate that these people, some who are well-known authors, have created a term that spells out a male name for trans women. I could be just as clever. For example, I could say they are Creepy Uncaring Neurotic Type people. What does that spell? Funny, isn't it? Not really.

I don't know why some people are unhappy or even threatened by the very existence of transgender people. We've been here all along. Contrary to those who think we weren't here because they didn't see one of us right in front of them, we've existed for more than the last 20 or 30 years. It's a fact, not an opinion.

The existence of trans people is not a threat to society. Heterosexual couples are still going to reproduce children, but some of them are going to be born as part of the LGBT community. As they grow up, they will realize it, so how their parents react to that will determine how well they adjust and become a part of society.

Here's another statement that highlights that fact. Hate isn't something we are born with. We are taught. We learn how to hate through the hateful teachings of our parents and those around us.

There are big problems with society, but the existence of trans people is low on the list of real issues. Many of us are marginalized to the point where we are under employed, under housed and even forced into things like sex work just to pay the bills.

Meanwhile, some of the people diverting negative attention toward us are the ones with more money than they know what to do with. They hoard more and more of the resources among fewer of them. They own more property and businesses. They obviously don't want attention on them, so pointing a finger at a group such as the trans community benefits them.

Sadly, that means the trans community bears the brunt of verbal and physical abuse. Sometimes that abuse ends their lives. Sometimes what they go through causes them to take their own lives. Meanwhile, the hate still continues, but the trans community in general still endures. We're not going anywhere.

The manipulative ones in power hope that we don't get past the point where transgender people, gays, lesbians, blacks, Mexicans or whatever group is blamed for the problems in society. The minute we put our focus where it needs to be and question why our own quality of life is getting worse, it's over for the ones creating these diversions.

Through it all, however, the trans community will endure. We'll continue to make gains and people will continue to come out as trans. That's just the way it is. Whether you like to hear it or not, the truth is still obvious. Trans Right Are Human Rights.

Trans Rights Are Human Rights Is More Than A Slogan

Trans Rights Are Human Rights Is More Than A Slogan I'm working on expanding my social media activities beyond X, and one of the reasons...