Thursday, June 15, 2023

Montana Rep Zooey Zephyr Is A Leader In The Trans Rights Movement


Montana Rep Zooey Zephyr Is A Leader In The Trans Rights Movement

Zooey Zephyr was removed from the floor of the Montana State House of Representatives during the last session. The State House is Republican controlled, and Zooey, who represents the Missoula, Montana district, is a Democrat.

The issue at stake is trans youth healthcare and their right to it. Zephyr was having her say on the matter as it was her turn to speak. As a trans woman, she's uniquely qualified to speak on such matters. This isn't just because of her own experiences.

As a trans woman, Zooey has seen other people going through transition. She's seen the struggles that have sometimes gone to very dark places, such as suicide and violence against trans women. As she was delivering her comments, she could draw on many things in what she said.

What upset the Republicans was when she told them that if they vote for this bill, may they see the blood on their hands the next time they pray. That was a powerful statement, clearly aimed at the Christian sect of the Republican party who would vote in favor of the bill.

Was what Zooey said a personal attack? Was she calling these people names or being unprofessional? This has been the subject of debate nationally as people against transgender rights are siding with the Republicans on that basis alone, while others are siding with trans people's rights as Americans, let alone residents of Montana.

Immediately, the Republicans started talking about censure. On more than one occasion, Montana Republicans decided it would be somehow a good thing to misgender her. Multiple times, they referred to her as "he", and they doubled down on the disrespect of her gender identity.

It was ultimately decided to remove her from the State House chambers and thereby take away the voices of the people of her district. She was further prevented from speaking on any of the committees that she is a part of. To add insult to injury, they even attempted to remove her from a bench outside of the chambers, where she had taken a seat to cast her votes.

What has been done to Zooey amounts to a personal attack against a trans woman. They didn't like her raising the possibility that their actions might result in trans suicide or violence against trans women, which very well could be the case. They wanted her to shut up and take a seat, but as a trans woman, she is uniquely qualified to offer her views on the topic.

Zooey pursued legal action to be allowed back on the house floor. She didn't win, but she had to try. People all around the globe saw what was done to her for merely defending transgender rights. These are contentious times, and many people in the trans community feel like politicians, largely on the Republican side, are singling them out as somehow the cause of the evils of society.

Trans healthcare is essential to people of all ages, but at the heart of this debate is the right of trans youth to pursue their transitions. After going through therapy and struggling, it's been medically recommended that transition is the way forward for these people. When denied such things, it puts lives at risk for multiple reasons.

Allowing Zooey's voice to be heard seems important, regardless of which way the votes go. Removing her altogether from the discussion based on one thing that may have hurt a few people's feelings seems largely unconstitutional and definitely undemocratic.

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