Saturday, March 30, 2024

Biden Didn't Make Easter Sunday Into Transgender Day Of Visibility

Biden Didn't Make Easter Sunday Into Transgender Day Of Visibility

It seems like hating the transgender community on X has become the new social media pastime. The fact that the new owner of the site encourages it only amplifies it that much more. It seems like Elon's latest crusade is not only against the trans community but women's reproductive rights.

On Saturday morning, many people on the right decided to voice outrage over the fact that President Joe Biden is acknowledging Sunday as Transgender Day Of Visibility. How dare the president want to tell the trans community that they are a part of this country and they matter.

What has been lost in all of this is that the only thing Biden did was acknowledge a day that has existed for over a decade. It happens on March 31st every year. Interestingly enough, Easter Sunday varies each year as it falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring.

For example, Trans Day Of Visibility will happen on March 31st next year, while Easter Sunday will be on another day in April. President Biden wasn't choosing one group over another. Love him or hate him, and I'm not making an endorsement here, he is the president of every group and every person in the United States.

Why is Trans Day Of Visibility important? For years, some within the community have been bullied and pressured into staying out of sight and in the closet. Some feel very much in the spotlight when they go out, and it may interest people to know that they just want to blend in like everybody else.

The right also seems to like to point out that the trans community makes it all about them and their looks. Some do like to post pictures and make a splash when they're out in public, but that's true of cisgender women as well. Everybody is different, even people within the trans community.

Trans Day Of Visibility is about saying be you and be proud. It's another step towards trans acceptance. Some on the right have used words like eradicate when they speak of trans people, but ultimately, they will be on the losing side of the argument. Trans people will continue to exist as they always have.

When Easter Sunday came, I put on a Sunday dress and did what I've done almost every week for the last year. I went to church and gave thanks to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Thanks to some of the hate thrown at our community in which people use Jesus's name, some in our community don't embrace Him. However, the fact remains, Jesus loves the transgender community too.

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